Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Statement of Intent (or - the Inevitable Introduction)

So I've been into this project of mine lately...

Y'see, I've always had this hobby of planning RPGs. The maps, the characters, the items, the monsters, all that jazz. Only problem was, I never had a particular medium in mind. And my ideas were usually far too ambitious to be confined to pen-and-pencil.

I forget how or when I mused about the notion of a playing card RPG. I started plotting my first two years ago - but the plans quickly grew convoluted. I had a navigation system, a bit like the Java-based Dragon's Court, worked out for the  first world, and a bevy of items. The battle system worked on chance - a certain range of cards could hit, which could increase/decrease with upgrades and the enemy's Evasion stat. One could also "Hold" cards from accidental runs. Enemies had prescribed move sets, which were also determined by random card draws.

The problem, of course, was that I wanted this card RPG idea to be convenient...a little game that could be played with just a deck, paper, and minimum reference materials. That was not happening with this first project - I had pages of room details, with patches of storyline - and of course, every monster would be a page. I don't intend to scrap it just yet - but I needed something simpler.

So, about a month ago, I just had a bolt of inspiration. Stats aren't necessary - monsters don't need move sets. Hell, who needs a world map? Fancying myself as a fire-mage type - a pyrotechnic - I hashed out my first battle. From there the rules simply fell into place.

This blog series lays out the plans I've developed so far for this card RPG (which has yet to be named). Once I've developed far enough, I'll be asking any readers who care to give these rules a spin and drop me some feedback.

I haven't the slightest idea what will happen with this idea. But we'll see, won't we...?

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