Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Current Updates/Progress

Here I'll record my progress, and state what I'm currently working on.
12/20 - Was a bit preoccupied with baking and shopping yesterday, but I managed to fix the rules to pages, and put up the Pyrotechnic, the Herbalist, and the Soldier. Just got the Hunter up - now I'll see if I can't have all the classes up by the end of today.

12/19/2011 - After a busy, busy summer and school semester, I've finally decided to tinker with this again. Still not sure if the Storm Mage's first skill is any good - been having ill luck with Chane in my test runs. : / Anyway, Sea Mystic's basic skill set is completed. Can't wait to play with that class some more.

And - holy crap - just realized I can make pages instead of these tacky blog posts. Will certainly have this page re-organized before this day is over.

5/29/2011 - Martial Artist's partial skill set up. Notice that this class earns an additional ability in co-op mode - I might have the Winter Warden (who isn't up yet) earn an ability similar to this. That, of course, invites other classes to have co-op only benefits; with a little ingenuity, I might come up with something for every other class. We'll see...

Haven't played the game in a while; today, however, is a gloomy enough day to discourage going out. The Winter Warden is, I think, the only class I haven't experimented with, so I'll try to have at least a Lvl. 3 skill up by the end of today.

5/27/2011 - Been slow to post lately, but many classes are up now (albeit w/ skeleton skill sets), and the  Advanced Rules are also up. Trust me, I've tried a slipstream, and it's intense. Definitely a challenge worthy of a new skill. But I have never been able to try any of the multiplayer anyone who wants to give that a spin, please tell me how it goes.

5/22/2011 - About to post up a series of skill sets that will be mostly empty - but they WILL have the Lvl. 3 skill! :P At any rate, I'm getting these up so I can work on them further. Might flesh 'em out a bit more tonight, too.

5/21/2011 - Set lists up for the two Fire classes. Soldier class is entirely operational - I just haven't developed many Bonus Skills for it yet. And I'm thinking that some classes may have less Bonus Skills to learn than others. So, the Soldier may be finished, after all. Eh...nah, it needs at least one more. At any rate, I'm thinking of posting up some Notes on Playing that may aid any testers with getting into the game. And I also need to get up the Advanced Rules, which will include the procedures for acquiring Bonus Skills.

5/20/2011 - Characters and Levelling Up finished yesterday - Item Charts up today. That's not exactly every item I've concocted - there's some advanced gear that I haven't even experimented with yet. At this point, it would be possible to play up to Lvl 2...but how worthless would that be? So now I just need to hash out the Skill Charts. I'll try to have at least each Lvl. 3 skill up tomorrow.

Been thinking lately that an actual website would serve for displaying all this much better than a blog...but, at least, this format IS a bit more interactive. And no use really establishing myself if the game's no good yet, I s'pose.

5/19/2011 - Overview and Battle Mechanics finished. A little longer than I expected - hope I haven't boggled any minds yet. Trust me, once I set these rules down, I never had to glance at them again - but maybe that's 'cause I'm the creator. : / Anyway, tried to be as straightforward and thorough as possible. Character Creation is next, then I'll probably set down the Item Chart.

5/18/2011 - Introduction posted today. Now composing the Overview and Battle Mechanics post. Might get it done tonight, might not. But that'll be out soon. Next I'll publish info on Character Creation, which will entail descriptions of each of the eight character classes.

In the books, I'm hashing out skill sets for each class. Also testing out my characters in game play, and brooding on advanced rules (such as multiplayer modes). 

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