Saturday, August 25, 2012

Familiars - and First Boss!

Been devising new familiars - and more to come later. Also: I've finally figured out how players should win the game - through defeating mega monsters that I call Flux Generators. I've designed all four, but I've only posted the first one, since I haven't actually challenged it yet myself. Expect more soon.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hunter Complete! Familiars Available!

Tonight, I finally fleshed out the Hunter's skill set. I've also devised a few low-value Familiars. And - I just caught my own Salamander tonight during a test run. ; ) Really satisfied with the Hunter class and the trapping process. Still tinkering with Familiars and their appropriate values - and, of course, still have higher value ones to create. Might be time, though, to work on the Winter Warden...