Saturday, May 19, 2012

More Work on Storm Mage

Added Lvl. 9 skill and Lvl. 15 ability for Storm Mage tonight. Would do more, but I am falling in and out of sleep as I type.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Updates and Refurbishing

Added the Storm Mage's Lvl. 6 skill and Lvl. 10 ability. (See them here.) Also, decided that Lvl. 6 skills for all characters should cost three cards, not two.

Made some changes to the Rulebook. I was playing the game today, and encountered an enemy that pulled not only a pair, but a three-of-a-kind on its turn - and I realized (with some reluctance) that I couldn't let that go. So, I drew another attack card for that enemy, and took the full force of that blow. I've also realized that allowing damaged enemies to attack again is unnecessarily annoying; the greater chances of losing more gold should be enough of a penalty. So that's out.

Finally, unearthed my musings about the context/background of the game. Lends nothing to the actual mechanics or gameplay, but it's a framework for future plots or campaign arcs.

I should be able to finish the Storm Mage's skills and abilities soon. Then I'll have to figure out the Hunter.