Soldier's Skill Set

This is the set of skill which the Physical Fire class, the Soldier, can learn. The Soldier specializes in dealing massive amounts of damage to a single target.  The bottom list of "Bonus Skills" contain skills which must be acquired through slipstream rounds (see Advanced Rules).

Lvl. 3: Parry (uz) - Receive 1/2 damage from the next attack.

Lvl. 6: Sword Dance (uu<3) - Deal 1 u + 3 (u 2-9) to 4 (u 10-A) damage to 1 monster. Regular attacks now do +3 (u 2-9) or +4 (u 10-A) damage for two turns. 
Lvl. 9: Pierce (uuu, for two-Base or greater monsters only) - Destroy the monster's current active Base, then do 1 u and 1/2 another u damage to the next active Base.
Lvl. 12: War Cry (uu^) - Negate up to 1/2 uu in overkill penalties. 
Lvl. 15: Master Stroke (uuuu) - Does 1/2 of total cost damage to 1 monster. If it is a multi-Base monster, carry the overkill damage into the next Base. 
Bonus Skills
Lvl. 4: First Aid (u^) - Remove 1/2 ^ damage from yourself.
Ability Updates
Lvl. 5: Self-Discipline - The damage of your u attacks can now be adjusted (that is, reduced or amplified) by a max of 2 points.
---Co-Op: Ally Discipline - Your partner may also adjust their primary element attacks by a max of two points.
Lvl. 10: Advanced Self-Discipline - Increase the range of the previous update to 4. 
Lvl. 15: Second Sword - Choose one other suit. The damage of these attacks may be adjusted by a max of two points.